How Much Should You Spend On Facebook Ads?

Great questions, especially if you are just getting started. ⁣

This is one of the most common questions that I get from clients and it came up again in this podcast interview that I had the pleasure of doing recently with Katie Eaker of the Hustlenomicss Podcast.

So, here’s what I have to say about this…⁣

Start with what you have. Even if that’s only a $5-$10/day budget.⁣ You’d be surprised how far that can go with the right offers and strategy in place.⁣ Many clients that I have worked with start at a $10/day list building budget, bringing in 5-10 new qualified leads a day.⁣ In one month, that’s 150-300 new leads who could become potential buyers. Leads that you OWN and can now email for free as much as you want.⁣

Let’s say only 1 of those people end up buying your program or investing in services.⁣

BOOM. You’ve now just made back your return on your investment.⁣ Plus, you have all those other potential prospects that you can now nurture through email and sell to over time. ⁣

The question then becomes…NOT how much should I spend?⁣ But rather, how much do I want to make?⁣

TO HEAR MORE and tune in to the full interview visit the link in bio over at Hustlenomics Podcast Episode 71